1.安装依赖npm install ng2-dragula# oryarn add ng2-dragula2.添加这一行到你的 polyfills.ts:(window as any).global = window;3.引入模块 DragulaModule.forRoot() 如下:import { DragulaModule } from 'ng2-dragula';@NgModule({ imports: [ ..., DragulaModule.forRoot() ],})export class AppModule { }4.引入公用css node_modules/dragula/dist/dragula.css或者直接复制所有css放styles.scss文件5.使用指令,给一个自定义名称,随意的字符串就行,标识一个div的内容可以拖拽,dragula="div1"和 [dragula]="Vampires"意义等同 代码如下
- Dracula
- Kurz
- Vladislav
- Deacon
7. 如果需要双向绑定拖拽的数据 [(dragulaModel)] [(dragulaModel)]等同于 [dragulaModel]="vampires" (dragulaModelChange)="vampires = $event" 类似ng自带的[(ngModel)]
- { { }} likes { { vamp.favouriteColor }}
8.拖拽过程中的事件订阅import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';import { DragulaService } from 'ng2-dragula';export class MyComponent { // RxJS Subscription is an excellent API for managing many unsubscribe calls. // See note below about unsubscribing. subs = new Subscription(); constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) { // These will get events limited to the VAMPIRES group. this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drag("VAMPIRES") .subscribe(({ name, el, source }) => { // ... }) ); this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drop("VAMPIRES") .subscribe(({ name, el, target, source, sibling }) => { // ... }) ); // some events have lots of properties, just pick the ones you need this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.dropModel("VAMPIRES") // WHOA // .subscribe(({ name, el, target, source, sibling, sourceModel, targetModel, item }) => { .subscribe(({ sourceModel, targetModel, item }) => { // ... }) ); // You can also get all events, not limited to a particular group this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drop() .subscribe(({ name, el, target, source, sibling }) => { // ... }) ); } ngOnDestroy() { // destroy all the subscriptions at once this.subs.unsubscribe(); }}